Three Years: Winter is Coming.
It happened. The same spot that provides me hope in the early spring, showed signs of what is to come. It’s amazing what the earth will show you if you simply watch and listen.

RESET: Letting Go Of An Incomplete Masterpiece.
Have you ever wanted a “do over-” an opportunity to do something over again after a previous attempt failed?

The City Burns…For Justice
I have so many thoughts about today… many of them will stay deep within but here are a few.

Gratitude: Top 20 Reasons I Love Hazel. (My Daughter)
Gratitude: Top 20 Reasons I Love Hazel. (My Daughter)

Losing Home
What happens when you lose home? For nearly 70 years my grandparents (Jacket and Bettymimi, or Jack and Betty) were each other's solace. No matter what changes came their way, they had each other.

Gratitude: Top 20 Reasons I love Holly (Auntie to My Kids & Lives in Community With Us)
Gratitude: The top 20 reasons I am grateful for Aunte Holly.

Gratitude: Top 20 Reasons I am Grateful for Uncle Brendan
Gratitude: Top 20 Reasons I am Grateful for Uncle Brendan

Death of THE Mentor
Mentors are hard to find. My experience has taught me that in this world there are a lot of people who would make great mentors, but very few actually want the responsibility of mentoring. They may say yes in the beginning, but a month in, their time, capacity, and availability are so limited they do not have room for raising up a new generation of leaders.